
Script to install common packages

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Revision as of 21:31, 10 May 2005 by Dave (Talk | contribs)
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Here's a script that will install common stuff you might want on a workstation. Comment out the things you don't want and uncomment the things you do want -- this is just my preference.

#install desktop stuff
pkg_add -r xorg  
pkg_add -r xfce4 rox rox-mime-editor rox-session
#pkg_add -r windowmaker
#pkg_add -r gnome
#pkg_add -r kde
pkg_add -r xscreensaver
pkg_add -r gdm
# teh interwebaolnetslice stuff
pkg_add -r firefox thunderbird flashplugin-firefox
pkg_add -r curl wget
#pkg_add -r mozilla flashplugin-mozilla
pkg_add -r gaim gaim-encryption
#pkg_add -r gdesklets   

# multimedia majicking stuff
pkg_add -r xmms 

# remote connection stuff
#pkg_add -r filezilla
pkg_add -r rdesktop grdesktop
pkg_add -r sharity-light
pkg_add -r bash3  
# file utilities
pkg_add -r unrar
pkg_add -r unzip  
# file reading/office stuff
pkg_add -r xpdf
#pkg_add -r openofficeorg
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