From FreeBSDwiki
i'll add the ppp section later...
remove the linux section at the beginning. looks petty and doesn't add anything to the article. Sell BSD, don't try to pull a Hillary on Linux. Also, maybe a security section? I don't do a lot of BSD these days so can't add anything myself.
--Dave 19:24, 31 May 2008 (EDT) i don't have anything against GNU/Linux...i was just explaining as a GNU/Linux user why i chose FreeBSD...simply because there was no way to make a 100% Free software Access Point with GNU/Linux using the cards i had because:
- or you find some very old cards that i wasn't able to find...and that have firmware bugs(a friend has one with a firmware bug)
- or you use madwifi(i don't like the proprietary hal)
- or you use a broadcom with the setup described...complicated and needs a firmware
- or you use FreeBSD with a ralink card...the best way to go
GNUtoo 17:04, 4 June 2008 (EDT)