
System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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linkstoimage-redirect (Talk)$1 (file redirect) $2
listfiles (Talk)File list
listfiles-summary (Talk)This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.
listfiles_count (Talk)Versions
listfiles_date (Talk)Date
listfiles_description (Talk)Description
listfiles_name (Talk)Name
listfiles_search_for (Talk)Search for media name:
listfiles_size (Talk)Size
listfiles_thumb (Talk)Thumbnail
listfiles_user (Talk)User
listgrouprights (Talk)User group rights
listgrouprights-addgroup (Talk)Add {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}}: $1
listgrouprights-addgroup-all (Talk)Add all groups
listgrouprights-addgroup-self (Talk)Add {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}} to own account: $1
listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all (Talk)Add all groups to own account
listgrouprights-group (Talk)Group
listgrouprights-helppage (Talk)Help:Group rights
listgrouprights-key (Talk)* <span class="listgrouprights-granted">Granted right</span> * <span class="listgrouprights-revoked">Revoked right</span>
listgrouprights-members (Talk)(list of members)
listgrouprights-removegroup (Talk)Remove {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}}: $1
listgrouprights-removegroup-all (Talk)Remove all groups
listgrouprights-removegroup-self (Talk)Remove {{PLURAL:$2|group|groups}} from own account: $1
listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all (Talk)Remove all groups from own account
listgrouprights-right-display (Talk)<span class="listgrouprights-granted">$1 <tt>($2)</tt></span>
listgrouprights-right-revoked (Talk)<span class="listgrouprights-revoked">$1 <tt>($2)</tt></span>
listgrouprights-rights (Talk)Rights
listgrouprights-summary (Talk)The following is a list of user groups defined on this wiki, with their associated access rights. There may be [[{{MediaWiki:Listgrouprights-helppage}}|additional information]] about individual rights.
listingcontinuesabbrev (Talk)cont.
listredirects (Talk)List of redirects
listredirects-summary (Talk) 
listusers (Talk)User list
listusers-blocked (Talk)(blocked)
listusers-creationsort (Talk)Sort by creation date
listusers-editsonly (Talk)Show only users with edits
listusers-noresult (Talk)No user found.
listusers-submit (Talk)Show
listusers-summary (Talk) 
listusersfrom (Talk)Display users starting at:
livepreview-error (Talk)Failed to connect: $1 "$2". Try normal preview.
livepreview-failed (Talk)Live preview failed! Try normal preview.
livepreview-loading (Talk)Loading...
livepreview-ready (Talk)Loading... Ready!
localtime (Talk)Local time:
lockbtn (Talk)Lock database
lockconfirm (Talk)Yes, I really want to lock the database.
lockdb (Talk)Lock database
lockdbsuccesssub (Talk)Database lock succeeded
lockdbsuccesstext (Talk)The database has been locked.<br /> Remember to [[Special:UnlockDB|remove the lock]] after your maintenance is complete.
lockdbtext (Talk)Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done.
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